PC labs

How to use the PC labs

Important: Before using the PC labs, please familiarize yourself with the rules of operation and the regulations.

PC labs are free to use by students during the opening hours of the building, outside of classes (see the current timetable). The computers have all software used during classes installed.

Signing in

On the login screen, type

username „student“ or „fd.cvut.cz\student“,
password „11111“.

Signing out

To sign out, use the icon on the Desktop named „Odhlásit se“, or „Vypnout PC“ to shut down the PC. Warning – after signing out, all data from Desktop and user directories are removed, please save your data to OneDrive, flash disk or „C:\work“ directory, for it to be preserved.


Each semester, the software on the PC labs' computers is updated according to the latest requirements from lecturers. You can find the latest list of installed software below.

List of SW installed in PC labs

PC labs

A270, B101, B102,
B106, B109, B116
K104, K105, K107c

Opening hours

Monday 7:30–20:00
Tuesday 7:30–20:00
Wednesday 7:30–20:00
Thursday 7:30–20:00
Friday 7:30–20:00

If something still not working, please contact us on Helpdesk